There are millions of kobo books you can purchase from Kobo store. But sometimes, you really want to or need to read one of your kobo books on kindle eReader or Sony Reader. The topic of downloading kobo books comes up. Here I will guide you through how to download kobo books( included three methods), remove kobo drm and even convert kobo to kindle format.
1, Download kobo books from kobo desktop application and remove kobo drm
Step 2. Sign in Kobo for PC/Mac, click on “My Books” tab to kobo library, then click on the “Sync” icon at the top right corner to download kobo books to PC or Mac.
If you choose the above method to download kobo books, it is super easy to remove kobo drm and convert kobo books to kindle format with Kobo Converter.
Step 1. Launch Kobo converter and all download kobo books will be detected and displayed at the left column.
Step 2. Just drag them to the right column and then select “azw3” format, and click “Convert to AZW3”
2, Download kobo books from Kobo eReader
Step 1. Start your Kobo, tap menu button at the top-left corner, and press “My Books” to see your Kobo library.
Step 2. If the book is in cloud, there will be a “Download” icon next to the book title.
Step 3. Tap book cover to download kobo books easily.
Where are kobo books stored on Kobo eReader?
The kobo books stored here on Kobo eReader:
3, Download kobo from Adobe Digital Editions and remove kobo drm
Do you know that you can download kobo using adobe digital editions? If not, here is how to details.
Step 1. Sign in your and click “My Books” near the top of the page.
Step 2. Click the ellipse (three dots), and then select “Download”>>”Download File” in the pop up windows, the kobo books will be downloaded to your computer.
You may notice the file you downloaded will be an epub, pdf, or acsm file.
Extra steps for convert kobo acsm to pdf/epub
If the file you downloaded is urllink.acsm, some extra steps will be required.
3. Then enter your Adobe ID and passwords, tap “Authorize”.
Step 2. Convert acsm to pdf/epub
Then open this acsm file with Adobe Digital Edtions. Right-click the file and select “Open with“>>”Adobe Digital Editions 4.5”.
ADE will start and download the acsm to epub/pdf, and add it to your Adobe Digital Edtions library.
Where are kobo books stored on Adobe Digital Editions?
The default path of the ebooks downloaded via Adobe Digital Editions is:
Wins: C:\Users\Documents\My Digital Editions
Mac: /Users/Documents/Digital Editions
How to Remove Kobo drm on Adobe Digital Editions?
Is there anyway to remove drm from Adobe Digital Editions? Sure, ACSM Converter is dedicated ebook converter which specially developed for removing DRM from Adobe Digital Editions(kobo acsm, google play acsm and library acsm), and it combines the DRM removal and formats conversion perfectly.
Step 1. Launch ACSM Converter and it will detect all the epub, or pdf files you downloaded from acsm file and display it in the left panel of the interface.
Step 2. Just simplely drag the file from the left panel to right panel to remove drm and then select azw3 as output format, and then click “Convert to azw3” to start the conversion.
Now you get the azw3 format which is compatible with kindle app and kindle eReader.
If you download kobo books from website directly, you may need to use Adobe Digital Editions software to authorize and download acsm to epub/pdf, then remove kobo drm with ACSM Converter.
Friendly tips: How to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable?
Below are two ways to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable.
Method 1. You can just remove drm from kobo books using above two methods and then transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable via USB. This is the easiest way to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable.
Method 2. You can also transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable via Adobe Digital Editions.
Ensure that you are using Adobe Digital Editions to download kobo books.
Step 1. Connect Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable to your computer. Run ADE, and you’ll see the device listed in the left side.
Step 2. Tap the setting icon on its upper right corner, and select “Authorize Device”, then fill in your Adobe id and passwords to authorize the device successfully.
Step 3. Right click the book you want to transfer to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable and choose copy to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable, and you’ll see the book will appear in your Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable library.
How to Download Kobo Books and Remove Kobo DRM
There are millions of kobo books you can purchase from Kobo store. But sometimes, you really want to or need to read one of your kobo books on kindle eReader or Sony Reader. The topic of downloading kobo books comes up. Here I will guide you through how to download kobo books( included three methods), remove kobo drm and even convert kobo to kindle format.
1, Download kobo books from kobo desktop application and remove kobo drm
Step 1. Download and install Kobo for PC/MAC.
Step 2. Sign in Kobo for PC/Mac, click on “My Books” tab to kobo library, then click on the “Sync” icon at the top right corner to download kobo books to PC or Mac.
Where are kobo books stored on PC/Mac?
The downloaded kobo books will be stored here:
How to Remove kobo DRM on Kobo Application?
If you choose the above method to download kobo books, it is super easy to remove kobo drm and convert kobo books to kindle format with Kobo Converter.
Step 1. Launch Kobo converter and all download kobo books will be detected and displayed at the left column.
Step 2. Just drag them to the right column and then select “azw3” format, and click “Convert to AZW3”
2, Download kobo books from Kobo eReader
Step 1. Start your Kobo, tap menu button at the top-left corner, and press “My Books” to see your Kobo library.
Step 2. If the book is in cloud, there will be a “Download” icon next to the book title.
Step 3. Tap book cover to download kobo books easily.
Where are kobo books stored on Kobo eReader?
The kobo books stored here on Kobo eReader:
3, Download kobo from Adobe Digital Editions and remove kobo drm
Do you know that you can download kobo using adobe digital editions? If not, here is how to details.
Step 1. Sign in your and click “My Books” near the top of the page.
Step 2. Click the ellipse (three dots), and then select “Download”>>”Download File” in the pop up windows, the kobo books will be downloaded to your computer.
You may notice the file you downloaded will be an epub, pdf, or acsm file.
Extra steps for convert kobo acsm to pdf/epub
If the file you downloaded is urllink.acsm, some extra steps will be required.
Step 1. Authorize Adobe digital editions.
1. Download & install Adobe Digital Editions.
2. Launch ADE, click “Help”>> “Authorize Computer”.
3. Then enter your Adobe ID and passwords, tap “Authorize”.
Step 2. Convert acsm to pdf/epub
Then open this acsm file with Adobe Digital Edtions. Right-click the file and select “Open with“>>”Adobe Digital Editions 4.5”.
ADE will start and download the acsm to epub/pdf, and add it to your Adobe Digital Edtions library.
Where are kobo books stored on Adobe Digital Editions?
The default path of the ebooks downloaded via Adobe Digital Editions is:
How to Remove Kobo drm on Adobe Digital Editions?
Is there anyway to remove drm from Adobe Digital Editions? Sure, ACSM Converter is dedicated ebook converter which specially developed for removing DRM from Adobe Digital Editions(kobo acsm, google play acsm and library acsm), and it combines the DRM removal and formats conversion perfectly.
Step 1. Launch ACSM Converter and it will detect all the epub, or pdf files you downloaded from acsm file and display it in the left panel of the interface.
Step 2. Just simplely drag the file from the left panel to right panel to remove drm and then select azw3 as output format, and then click “Convert to azw3” to start the conversion.
Now you get the azw3 format which is compatible with kindle app and kindle eReader.
Friendly tips: How to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable?
Below are two ways to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable.
Method 1. You can just remove drm from kobo books using above two methods and then transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable via USB. This is the easiest way to transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable.
Method 2. You can also transfer kobo books to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable via Adobe Digital Editions.
Ensure that you are using Adobe Digital Editions to download kobo books.
Step 1. Connect Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable to your computer. Run ADE, and you’ll see the device listed in the left side.
Step 2. Tap the setting icon on its upper right corner, and select “Authorize Device”, then fill in your Adobe id and passwords to authorize the device successfully.
Step 3. Right click the book you want to transfer to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable and choose copy to Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable, and you’ll see the book will appear in your Nook/Sony eReader/reMarkable library.
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