
Kobo Converter

Remove DRM from Kobo eBooks, convert Kobo eBooks from KEUB to ePub, PDF and Mobi.

Free Upgrade

100% free updates and upgrades.

Safe & Clean

You are safe with us. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

Refund Guarantee

Try it, and you can return it within 30 days.

Work great for Kobo DRM removal

Remove DRM protection from Kobo files (downloaded via Kobo desktop app).

Save the day with conversion

With easy conversion, simple user interface and excellent customer support.

Good way to convert from Kobo to ePub, PDF and Kindle Mobi.

Supported Input: KEPUB, EPUB
Supported Output: ePub, PDF, Mobi, AZW3.

Read your kobo ebooks everywhere in just two clicks

Automatically detect .kepub files on your computer, big time saver.

How It Works

Step 1

Download Kobo eBooks via Kobo desktop App(Win/Mac).

Step 2

Add downloaded kepub to Kobo Converter.

Step 3

Remove KEPUB DRM and convert Kobo to ePub/PDF/Kindle.


The free trial  version will only help convert 3 books in total.


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