Wattpad Downloader
Download and Convert Wattpad Stories to PDF, ePub, TXT, DOCX and Mobi with High Speed.
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100% free updates and upgrades.
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Refund Guarantee
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Download & Convert Wattpad Stories
Create new wattpad stories in new format, which makes it possible to edit, print and transfer.
Batch Conversion
Wattpad Downloader enables you to process single files, but also entire stories in your wattpad library.
Edit, Print, Transfer, Back-up Wattpad Files
Input: Current reads, Archive, Reading List
Output: Mobi, ePub, PDF, DOCX, and TXT.
Dag-drop Support, 1-Click Downloader
Drag & drop the stored wattpad stories to the right, and select output format.
How to Use iSummersoft
Wattpad Downloader
Step 1
Enter your Wattpad account info (email and password) to its main interface.
Step 2
Add saved stories to iSummersoft Wattpad Converter.
Step 3
Continue to convert stories to PDF, Kindle Mobi, ePub, TXT or DOCX.

The free trial version will only help convert 3 stories.
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Great service for converting eBooks to different formats and helping with issues with cross platform support.